Bioneers 2024 Conference

Women in Clean/Green Tech Shattering the Glass Ceiling

Hosted by Women in Cleantech and Sustainability

The urgent need for a shift to clean, sustainable technologies is the most important challenge of our time, probably the most crucial our species has ever faced. In this session some trailblazing women leaders in this domain will share their projects, their thoughts on where we stand in the race to a clean and equitable transition, and the challenges they face in what has for far too long been a male-populated sector. Hosted by Sara Fuentes, President of Smart Waste, and Chairwoman of Women in Cleantech and Sustainability. With: Emily Teitsworth, Executive Director of the Honnold Foundation; Charlotte Michaluk, 17, award-winning young scientist and engineer; Kellie Macpherson, Executive Vice President of Compliance & Risk at Radian Generation; Kirthika Padmanabhan, Co-Pilot at X, the moonshot factory.  

Goldman Theater, Brower Center


March 29th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm


Sara Fuentes
Women in Cleantech and Sustainability
Emily Teitsworth
Executive Director
Honnold Foundation
Charlotte Michaluk – Youth Keynote
Engineer, Scientist and Linguistics Researcher
Acnestis By Wind
Kellie Macpherson
Executive Vice President of Compliance & Risk
Radian Generation
Kirthika Padmanabhan
X, the moonshot factory
Bioneers 2024 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature
Bioneers 2024 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature