Friday, March 29th

The urgent need for a shift to clean, sustainable technologies is the most important challenge of our time, probably the most crucial our species has ever faced. In this session some trailblazing women leaders in this domain will share their projects, their thoughts on where we stand in the race to a clean and equitable transition, and the challenges they face in what has for far too long been a male-populated sector. Hosted by Sara Fuentes, President of Smart Waste, and Chairwoman of Women in Cleantech and Sustainability. With: Emily Teitsworth, Executive Director of the Honnold Foundation; Charlotte Michaluk, 17, award-winning young scientist and engineer; Kellie Macpherson, Executive Vice President of Compliance & Risk at Radian Generation; Kirthika Padmanabhan, Co-Pilot at X, the moonshot factory.  

March 29th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm | Goldman Theater, Brower Center




Sara Fuentes
Women in Cleantech and Sustainability
Emily Teitsworth
Executive Director
Honnold Foundation
Charlotte Michaluk – Youth Keynote
Engineer, Scientist and Linguistics Researcher
Acnestis By Wind
Kellie Macpherson
Executive Vice President of Compliance & Risk
Radian Generation
Kirthika Padmanabhan
X, the moonshot factory

Saturday, March 30th

What can fiber arts and rotor sails have in common? How can we create sustainable technologies that can be implemented in the near future while balancing interests of profit with public health and climate change mitigation? Charlotte Lenore Michaluk, an extraordinary 17-year-old scientist, researcher, biomimetic inventor and passionate eco-activist and conservationist shares her hopeful vision informed by a deep respect of the natural world and powered by brilliant, clean green technologies. Pulling insight from her experiences ranging from cargo ship systems to a novel constructed writing script for greater freedom of expression, she will share the possibilities unleashed by an interdisciplinary mode of thinking that leverages common ground and societal and technological inertia.

March 30th | 10:09 am to 10:20 am | Zellerbach Hall




Charlotte Michaluk – Youth Keynote
Engineer, Scientist and Linguistics Researcher
Acnestis By Wind

Introduction by Teo Grossman, President of Bioneers

Erica Gies is an independent journalist, National Geographic Explorer, and the author of Water Always Wins: Thriving in an age of drought and deluge, published in the U.S., U.K., and China. She covers water, climate change, plants and wildlife for Scientific American, The New York Times, bioGraphic, Nature, and other publications. The honors she has received include the Sierra Club’s Rachel Carson Award, Friends of the River’s California River Award, the Renewable Natural Resources Foundation’s Excellence in Journalism Award, and the Harvey Southam Lectureship at the University of Victoria.

March 30th | 11:19 am to 11:41 am | Zellerbach Hall



Introduced by

Teo Grossman


Erica Gies
Author & Journalist
Water Always Wins: Thriving in an Age of Drought and Deluge

Oil, gas and coal are driving the climate crisis yet have, incredibly, largely been ignored in climate talks and policies. That’s starting to change. Millions of people are coalescing around the call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty to end the expansion of fossil fuels, phase out existing production, and accelerate a just transition to clean energy and low carbon solutions. Join a panel of civil society, government and Indigenous leaders in a conversation about the growing momentum for a Fossil Fuel Treaty and how this global initiative is shaping the climate conversation, removing industry’s social license and compelling decision-makers to finally take action to end the era of fossil fuels—fast, fair and forever. Hosted by Cara Pike, Senior Communication Advisor to the Fossil Fuel Treaty, founder/Executive Director, Climate Access. With: Osprey Orielle Lake, founder/Executive Director, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network; Eriel Deranger, Founder and Executive Director, Indigenous Climate Action; Michael Brune, Climate and Campaign Strategist; Eduardo Martinez, the Mayor of Richmond; and Bryony Worthington of Worthington and Associates.

March 30th | 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm | Goldman Theater, Brower Center




Cara Pike
Founder and Executive Director
Climate Access
Eriel Tchekwie Deranger
Indigenous Climate Action
Co-Founder and Executive Director
Michael Brune
Larsen Lam Climate Change Foundation
Osprey Orielle Lake
Founder and Executive Director
Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International