Youth Leadership Program – A Youth Activist Toolkit Workshop
Hosted by Youth Vs. Apocalypse
What tools do we have around us to organize and mobilize our communities? In this workshop we will: engage in activities that highlight the work of our ancestors and elders; learn how to build up and educate our communities; and leverage our power through sustainable and equitable policy and direct actions. Two leading activists from Youth vs Apocalypse will share their approach on how to work effectively toward environmental justice along the intersections of race and class. We young people are often shut out or silenced in decision-making about our lives and futures, but equipped with these well-tested organizing tools, we can go out and create systems of support and lead the work necessary for a thriving and liberated future. Facilitated by Zara Ahsan, 17, and Aniya Butler, 16, leading Climate and Social Justice activists with Youth vs Apocalypse.
Tamalpais Room, Brower Center
March 29th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm