The Holomovement: Exploring the cosmological and sociological underpinnings of a “movement of movements”
“Holomovement” is a term coined by physicist David Bohm to describe the unifying flow between the “Implicate Order” (source information and consciousness) and the “Explicate Order” (the physical reality of the universe). Now, as our civilizational crises accelerate, the Holomovement has been proposed as a fusion of science and spirit that could ignite the evolutionary impulse in us and cohere, catalyze and synergize like-minded organizations and movements into a grand collaborative effort to address the challenges threatening our planet and society. Come and hear from some leading lights in the Holomovement how you could play a role in this movement and in the larger collective unfolding toward ever greater levels of interdependence and cooperation. Hosted by film producer and activist Téana David. With: Emanuel Kuntzelman co-editor ofThe Holomovement: Embracing our Collective Purpose to Unite Humanity; Mariko Pitts, formerly Director of The UPLIFT Foundation and current “Core Synergist” of the Holomovement; Will Keepin, co-founder of Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI).
Golden Bear Room, Hotel Shattuck Plaza
March 28th | 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm