Bioneers 2024 Conference

Tending our Grief: A Conversation and Ritual

The Grief Space: A Safe Place for Guided Conversation and Ritual

This intimate room will provide Bioneers attendees with a gently curated healing space for connection, contemplation and experiencing the transformative power of communal grieving. All the sessions held here will be facilitated by death midwives /community gatherers/educators Anneke CampbellBirgitta Kastenbaum and Amber Deylon

The room will be open from 2 to 3 pm, before the day’s two sessions begin at 3pm, for those who want to come and sit quietly and/or write messages for the altar, but the room will be closed once each session begins to assure privacy. The communal altar invites you to honor loved ones by bringing offerings including photos and/or responsibly foraged gifts from nature. 

Cultures worldwide practice rituals deeply intertwined with the natural world to mark transitions and losses of life. Come join us in a circle to explore how resilience and thriving in these difficult times require expanding our ability to be present with grief and getting to know it for its gift potential of regeneration and transformation. Through intimate sharing and group conversation, anchored in breath, embodied practices and offerings to our communal altar, we will connect with the strength and healing available when we honor our grief in community.

Insight Room, Dharma College


March 29th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm


Anneke Campbell
Writer and Community Activist
Birgitta Kastenbaum
Bridging Transitions
Amber Deylon
Grieve and Breathe
Bioneers 2024 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature
Bioneers 2024 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature