Bioneers 2024 Conference

Mariko Pitts

Core Synergist | The Holomovement

Mariko Pitts

Mariko Pitts had 20+ years’ experience in PR and marketing, including for one of the foremost agencies in Los Angeles, where she designed campaigns for many large corporations, but after a spiritual awakening in 2008, she shifted her career path away from campaigns that didn’t serve humanity’s best interests. Since then, she has served in directorial positions and on boards of a number of NGOs and led transformational coaching and training programs for 15+ years. She has designed many programs and events for conscious organizations around the world and was, most recently, Director of The UPLIFT Foundation and currently serves as “Core Synergist” of the Holomovement.

Panel Presentations:

The Holomovement: Exploring the cosmological and sociological underpinnings of a “movement of movements”

March 28th | 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm

Bioneers 2024 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature
Bioneers 2024 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature