Elisa Batista
Campaign Director | UltraViolet
Elisa Batista, the Content Director and a Campaign Director with UltraViolet (an organization dedicated to ending violence against women, increasing their and their families’ economic security and ensuring they all have access to full, affordable healthcare), was previously Campaign Director for MomsRising.org, a million-volunteer grassroots organization, helping spearhead the organization’s immigration campaign and launching MamásConPoder.org, a community of civically engaged Spanish-speaking and bilingual mothers. Elisa is also a bilingual journalist and award-winning digital influencer who co-founded the popular parenting community, MotherTalkers.
Panel Presentations:
Advancing Reproductive Justice: Defending Abortion, Bodily Autonomy & Democracy
March 28th | 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm