Murmurations: The Future of Philanthropy
Come join a heartfelt, honest conversation about the future of philanthropy with three leaders of cutting-edge donor networks in the U.S. who will share stories of lessons learned from collaboration and experimentation as they work to grow their networks to become powerful spaces for donor education and organizing, wealth redistribution and lasting social impact. Unlike private foundations, donor networks aggregate the power of not only one or two families or trustees but of large numbers of individuals and institutions, so they can have greater collective impact on the multiplicity of political, ecological and social crises facing communities. The problems facing us are too big for any individual or organization to solve alone, so a collaborative spirit and disciplined and concerted efforts to practice healthy partnerships are critical in this space. Like the seemingly miraculous choreography of masses of starlings, these networks seek to move as murmurations, knowing that in unity lies power; in coordination, strength and beauty; and that the whole is always more effective than the parts. With: Yahya Alazrak, Executive Director, Resource Generation and RG Action; Leena Barakat, President and CEO, Women Donors Network and WDN Action; Rajasvini Bhansali, Executive Director, Solidaire Network and Solidaire Action.
Crystal Ballroom, Hotel Shattuck Plaza
March 28th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm